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Welcome to the New FWARC website!

Welcome everyone to the Federal Way Amateur Radio Club's new website!  We moved to this new platform as it provides more features and communications, and provides our club members with more control of THEIR information.  Club members can sign up for forums, check our calendar for upcoming events, sign up to volunteer for upcoming activities, and change their membership information.  Please let me know what you would like to see on our new website, or if you have any questions.

FWARC Analog FM Repeaters

147.040 Mhz, plus offset, PL=103.5
146.760 Mhz, minus offset, PL=103.5
442.950 Mhz, plus offset, PL=103.5
442.925 Mhz, plus offset, DCS 036

147.040 Repeater is On-The-Air with a Lower Antenna!

Status Update!

The club's 147.040 MHz repeater is back on-the-air with an antenna
at a lower level.  While we recently replaced the antenna with a brand-new
Commander Technologies CMD220-2N antenna, we continue to have high
VSWR issues.  We now suspect a wet connector on the feedline at the top of
the water tank.  Until we can replace that connector, the 147.040 repeater will
operate on a Comet GP-6 antenna located on top of the repeater hut roof.  
Please use the club's 146.760 repeater with its wide coverage area. 

146.760 Mhz repeater has a minus offset, and a PL tone of 103.5.


442.925 Mhz, plus offset, WA7DR-B
146.840 Mhz, minus offset, WA7FW-C
443.850 MHz, plus offset, WA7FW-B
1290.100 MHz, minus offset, WA7FW-A

Monthly Club Meeting Coming Soon!

The Federal Way Amateur Radio Club's monthly meeting is scheduled to take place on the second Thursday of the month.  We meet at the Federal Way Public School's Support Service Center. The board of trustees meeting starts at 6pm, and the general club meeting starts at 7pm.  These club meetings are open to the public.  No club membership required.  No ham radio license required.  Just an interest in amateur radio.  All will be welcomed.  Hope to see you there!  For more details, please visit: FWARC Club Meetings

FWARC Board of Trustees & General Club Meetings

Join Zoom Meeting
FWARC Zoom Log-In 

Meeting ID: 863 3869 9771 and Passcode: 796248
Upcoming Events

Monthly Club Meetings:
The Federal Way Amateur Radio Club meets on the  second Thursday of the month  at the Federal Way school district's Support Service Center (SSC), aka the bus barn.    The board of trustees meets at 6:00 pm, and the general club meeting starts at 7:00 pm. The SSC is located at  1211 South 332nd Street in Federal Way, WA.  The SSC is located across the street from the south end of Celebration Park.


The club's Emergency Communications Response Team (ECRT) meets on the third Thursday of the month at 7:00 pm at the Federal Way City Hall.  The ECRT is the public service aspect of the Federal Way Amateur Radio Club.  The ECRT was organized at the request of the City of Federal Way to provide backup radio communications and support to the city and civic agencies in the times of emergency or disaster.  Some of the ECRT members also support other non-emergent public service functions such as some of the area fun runs and many of the Seafair events in the Puget Sound area.

ECRT Details Page

Federal Way City Hall
is located at:
33335 8th Ave South
Federal Way, WA  98003

Monthly Breakfast:

Our Hams & Eggs monthly breakfast takes place on the fourth Saturday of the month starting around 8:30am in the morning.  Here is your change to start your day off right with a good breakfast, and some eyeball-to-eyeball QSO's with other ham radio operators in the Federal Way area.  This activity is open to the public.  No ham radio license required.  No club membership required.  Just an interest in ham radio.  We meet at the Denny's Restaurant located in the northeast corner of Enchanted Parkway & Highway 18.  Hope to see you there.

Hams & Eggs Details Page

Upcoming Events
Upcoming Club Meetings
Upcoming Events
Upcoming Hams & Eggs Breakfast
Upcoming Events
Upcoming On-The-Air Events